8,000 Gallon OFF GRID Aqua Culture System, With A Green House Watered By A Water Ram Pump.mp4 | 24.81 MiB |
300 yard shot with an air rifle.mp4 | 26.11 MiB |
Almost The Cutest Thing on Earth.mp4 | 1.69 MiB |
Aquaponics Crayfish farm after 3 months, hundred's of baby crayfish.mp4 | 7.39 MiB |
barbed wire fence home made fence dolly.mp4 | 11.46 MiB |
Big bull Elk still in velvet.mp4 | 12.71 MiB |
big wasp kills a Taranchula spider.mp4 | 45.93 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, The Refinery part 1.mp4 | 18.32 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, The Refinery part 2.mp4 | 16.09 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, The Refinery part 3.mp4 | 4.58 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas, Destructive Distillation Part#1.mp4 | 11.15 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas, Part 6.mp4 | 7.56 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas, Part 7.mp4 | 16.96 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas, Part 8.mp4 | 34.63 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part#2.mp4 | 16.34 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part#3.mp4 | 38.11 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part 4.mp4 | 15.65 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part 5.mp4 | 27.53 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part 9.mp4 | 18.9 MiB |
BioCrude Oil, Wood Gas Part 10 the END.mp4 | 31.76 MiB |
Biocrude oil the final system running.mp4 | 69.14 MiB |
Build a Aquaponics system for $25, Part 3 - Two week's and growing.mp4 | 12.2 MiB |
Build a Aquaponics system for $25, Part 4 The Harvest.mp4 | 23.08 MiB |
Build a large Aquaponics system for $2500 Part 1 Farm Crayfish and Vegetables.mp4 | 47.18 MiB |
Build a large Aquaponics system for $2500 Part 2 New filter and giant Red Claw crayfish.mp4 | 29.67 MiB |
Building a Goliath Wimshurst machine how to Part 2, low voltage AC generator side.mp4 | 20.96 MiB |
Building a Goliath Wimshurst machine how to part 3, 117 volts AC by hand.mp4 | 11.66 MiB |
Building a Humanoid Robotic Hand For A Powered Exoskeleton Suit.mp4 | 25.93 MiB |
Building the ultimate Gasifier wood stove part 1.mp4 | 241.28 MiB |
Can we turn Styrofoam into Food.mp4 | 18.9 MiB |
Capacitor home made high power.mp4 | 27.58 MiB |
Chainsaw, Powered on Fire Wood.mp4 | 60.27 MiB |
Cheap solar water heater for a RV or home.mp4 | 6.6 MiB |
Composting Toilet, How to build for cheap.mp4 | 19.31 MiB |
Compressed Air Engine.mp4 | 125.92 MiB |
Concept Boat Hull Design, The Rolling Hull Wheels For Water Do you think it would work and why.mp4 | 9.89 MiB |
Concept Hybrid Hyper-Sonic Weapon.mp4 | 6.34 MiB |
dc generator how to part 2.mp4 | 35.49 MiB |
Deer gets killed by a pair of coyotes and eat all of it.mp4 | 62.37 MiB |
Desert Dredge Vacuum Gold Dredge.mp4 | 35.53 MiB |
DON'T BUY A Hobbyking PULSE JET engine This only ran after serious modifications.mp4 | 23.86 MiB |
Earth cell part 2.mp4 | 3 MiB |
Earth Generator, Home size power plant build part 1.mp4 | 44.78 MiB |
Easy Methane digester.mp4 | 17.09 MiB |
Easy to build, Homemade JET ENGINE running great.mp4 | 14.09 MiB |
Evaporative Refrigerator no electric bill.mp4 | 39.26 MiB |
Exoskeleton, Homemade full body Exoskeleton.mp4 | 48.18 MiB |
Exoskeleton, Wearing and testing the upper body's lifting capability.mp4 | 16.08 MiB |
Exoskeleton Suit's, first test of two homemade Exo-Suit's.mp4 | 112.29 MiB |
Exoskeleton Suit, Final build video.mp4 | 19.86 MiB |
Focus Gold Pan 2, the new design.mp4 | 23.76 MiB |
FREE FUEL from Trash or Wood for Engines.mp4 | 57.41 MiB |
Free GASOLINE from Trash or Wood Part 1.mp4 | 46.19 MiB |
Free Gasoline from Wood, Part 5.mp4 | 15.5 MiB |
Free Gasoline from Wood, Part 6.mp4 | 26.43 MiB |
Free GASOLINE from Wood Part 2.mp4 | 53.58 MiB |
Free Gasoline from Wood Part 3.mp4 | 24.16 MiB |
Free Gasoline from Wood Part 4.mp4 | 19.06 MiB |
Free Gasoline from Wood Part 7.mp4 | 19.16 MiB |
Fresnel lens solar tracker invention P#1.mp4 | 12.75 MiB |
Fresnel Radio Telescope, New idea for SETI.mp4 | 12.15 MiB |
Gasifier camp stove, that folds flat.mp4 | 19.01 MiB |
Gasifier cookstove plans.mp4 | 2.61 MiB |
Gasifier run's a Generator.mp4 | 46.92 MiB |
gasifier runs a generator and make's gasoline part 6.mp4 | 35.42 MiB |
gasifier runs a generator and make's gasoline part 7.mp4 | 22.45 MiB |
gasifier runs a generator and make's gasoline part 8 the end.mp4 | 26.14 MiB |
gasifier runs a generator part#3.mp4 | 14.9 MiB |
Gasifier runs a generator part#4.mp4 | 26.99 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 1.mp4 | 28.98 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 2.mp4 | 30.57 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 3.mp4 | 38.48 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 4.mp4 | 38.7 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 5.mp4 | 15.43 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 6.mp4 | 21.93 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 7.mp4 | 43.52 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 8.mp4 | 47.07 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 9.mp4 | 35.3 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 10.mp4 | 17.66 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 11.mp4 | 21.2 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 12.mp4 | 8.48 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 13.mp4 | 22.49 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 14.mp4 | 23.64 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 15.mp4 | 18.24 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 16.mp4 | 25.83 MiB |
Gasifier Truck How-To part 17.mp4 | 48.14 MiB |
Gasifier Wood Stove full video.mp4 | 68.31 MiB |
Gasifier wood stove prototype P#1 can run a generator.mp4 | 27.62 MiB |
Gasifier wood stove prototype P#2 in action with afterburner.mp4 | 41.51 MiB |
Giant valveless Pulse Jet Engine first tuning test fire up's.mp4 | 20.14 MiB |
Gold mining find of a life time.mp4 | 4.84 MiB |
gold pan home made the best on earth The Focus Pan.mp4 | 18.73 MiB |
gravity powered generator or transferable mass generator part 2.mp4 | 17.16 MiB |
Ground Battery, Stubblefield coil and Radiant energy.mp4 | 85.25 MiB |
High volume Gasifier cook stove.mp4 | 20.16 MiB |
Home food production Tilapia farming.mp4 | 53.9 MiB |
home made 3-stage sluice box, and easy lift system.mp4 | 16.71 MiB |
Homemade 50 caliber Air Rifle in action.mp4 | 27.01 MiB |
home made 50 cal Steam rifle.mp4 | 21.71 MiB |
Homemade 50cal Air Rifle.mp4 | 98.4 MiB |
Homemade CO2 Laser, part 1.mp4 | 89.86 MiB |
Homemade CO2 Laser, part 2.mp4 | 72.49 MiB |
Homemade CO2 Laser, part 3.mp4 | 31.4 MiB |
Homemade CO2 Laser, part 4.mp4 | 46.68 MiB |
Homemade CO2 Laser, part 5.mp4 | 73.24 MiB |
home made composting toilet part#1.mp4 | 7.18 MiB |
home made composting toilet Part#2.mp4 | 11.33 MiB |
Homemade Compressed Air Rifle.mp4 | 51.27 MiB |
Homemade Dry Washer.mp4 | 5.27 MiB |
Homemade Dry Washer 2.mp4 | 22.21 MiB |
homemade Evaporative Cooling system.mp4 | 34.78 MiB |
Homemade Exoskeleton, Final Test, Powered Walking and Lifting.mp4 | 35.92 MiB |
Homemade Exoskeleton Suit, first walking and balance test.mp4 | 25.4 MiB |
Homemade Exoskeleton Suit with Robotic Terminator Hands.mp4 | 16.27 MiB |
home made fridge 1st prototype no power needed.mp4 | 23.89 MiB |
home made fridge no power needed Evaprotive Fridge.mp4 | 25.5 MiB |
Home made fridge P#2 upgraded system Evaprotive fridge.mp4 | 14.78 MiB |
Homemade Full-Auto Air Rifle.mp4 | 148.46 MiB |
Homemade Gasoline.mp4 | 191.6 MiB |
Homemade hand powered vacuum pump.mp4 | 34.43 MiB |
Homemade hand powered X-Ray machine.mp4 | 9.5 MiB |
Homemade High Banker and Easy Lift Miner.mp4 | 31.86 MiB |
Homemade high output Thermoelectric Generator, 6 cell's 200mv.mp4 | 36.14 MiB |
Homemade Machine Gun.mp4 | 17.77 MiB |
Homemade Rocket Stove Steam Broiler, Built To Run A Steam Engine .mp4 | 24.96 MiB |
home made solar water heater powered by a fresnel lense.mp4 | 24.44 MiB |
Homemade spring piston Air Rifle.mp4 | 18.49 MiB |
Homemade Steam Engine, 2 Stroke conversion first test run.mp4 | 49.55 MiB |
Homemade Steam Engine, Build and Test.mp4 | 46.52 MiB |
Homemade Steam Engine running on a Rocket Stove to produce steam.mp4 | 20.15 MiB |
Homemade steam Rocket ultra powerful.mp4 | 112.33 MiB |
Homemade TEG module, aluminium and iron thermoelectric generator.mp4 | 19.04 MiB |
Homemade Tesla Turbine, For Micro Hydro, Wind or Steam Power.mp4 | 43.73 MiB |
Homemade Tesla Turbine in action powering a generator.mp4 | 26.12 MiB |
Homemade Thermal electric generator 250mv cell constuction.mp4 | 53.13 MiB |
Home made three stage electric high banker in action Easy Lift Miner.mp4 | 23.1 MiB |
Homemade Turbo-Jet Engine made from an old electric motor part 1.mp4 | 40.46 MiB |
Homemade TURBO-JET ENGINE running.mp4 | 24.77 MiB |
home made water pump for wind mill.mp4 | 19.63 MiB |
Homemade Weapons, From Rifles to Rockets.mp4 | 271.42 MiB |
Home made Wimshurst machine, full build 18 disc's huge capacitors.mp4 | 148.89 MiB |
Homemade Wood Stove, Gasifacation Wood Stove, Super Efficient Wood Stove.mp4 | 86.73 MiB |
How-to make a electrostatic step-down transformer, converts electrostatic to low voltage DC.mp4 | 17.47 MiB |
How-to make a Sluice Box, Dredge, Gold Pan, Dry Washer, Trommel and more.mp4 | 185.29 MiB |
How a Pulse Jet and Ram Jet engine work, With a idea for a Pulse to Ram engine.mp4 | 17.56 MiB |
How many gallons of gasoline would it take to make the World GREEN.mp4 | 24.03 MiB |
How To build a Down Draft Gasifier Run a car or generator on wood smoke.mp4 | 173.24 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 1.mp4 | 19.17 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 2.mp4 | 42.4 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 3.mp4 | 17.35 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 4.mp4 | 35.26 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 5.mp4 | 68.82 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 6.mp4 | 21.69 MiB |
How to build a super sized liquid fuel producing Gasifier WOOD STOVE, part 7.mp4 | 43.36 MiB |
How to build a TURBO-JET ENGINE from easy to find materials.mp4 | 42.62 MiB |
how to build the ISES gasifier part 8, runs a generator and produces gasoline.mp4 | 24.74 MiB |
How to convert a 2 stroke engine to a Steam Engine.mp4 | 34.28 MiB |
How to make a Anode ray tube.mp4 | 15.41 MiB |
How to make a Earth Generator full show.mp4 | 58.18 MiB |
How to make a electric vacuum pump for $10.mp4 | 55.38 MiB |
how to make a electrostatic step-down transformer, part 2, ampere test, Wimshurst to low volt DC.mp4 | 16.36 MiB |
How to make a Geiger Counter.mp4 | 28.34 MiB |
How to make a Tesla Valve for a Pulse Jet Engine.mp4 | 13.17 MiB |
How to make a thermoelectric generator from nitinol wire and copper.mp4 | 13.46 MiB |
How to Make a Water Ram off-grid Water Pump, requires no electricity.mp4 | 74.79 MiB |
How to make a X-ray tube, or cathode ray tube.mp4 | 37.47 MiB |
How to make the ultimate camp Cooking Stove.mp4 | 74.14 MiB |
How to raise Crayfish, from 0 to 6 week's.mp4 | 26.62 MiB |
How To Steam Rocket.mp4 | 28.25 MiB |
Human Powered Generator, 117 volts AC.mp4 | 29.11 MiB |
Hydroelectric Electrostatic Generator.mp4 | 32.14 MiB |
Imagine Finding This Crawling On Your Neck.mp4 | 10.69 MiB |
Ion Pulse Engine Helicopter.mp4 | 1.79 MiB |
Ion Pulse Motors and Anti-gravity Demonstrations.mp4 | 20.64 MiB |
JET ENGINE powered RADIO CONTROLLED Snow Sled How fast will it go.mp4 | 12.06 MiB |
Jet Engine powered RC Snow Sled first test and failed runs.mp4 | 18.8 MiB |
Large HOMEMADE Valveless Pulse Jet Engine.mp4 | 18.36 MiB |
Laser Trip Wire or Security System, Built With A Laser Pointer And A Solar Light.mp4 | 5.46 MiB |
Living Fossil the Triops.mp4 | 7.68 MiB |
magnetic monopole discovered, monopole magnet, conductor, and dielectic, key to free energy.mp4 | 30.79 MiB |
Magnetic riffle sluice box.mp4 | 10.53 MiB |
magnetic sluice box GolDymium Sluice Box in action.mp4 | 22.28 MiB |
Make a counter-top Aquaponic's system, grow organic Strawberry's and Crayfish.mp4 | 47.58 MiB |
Make your own Gasoline.mp4 | 110.72 MiB |
Mechanical battery, gravity battery.mp4 | 41.89 MiB |
Melting metal with sun light.mp4 | 8.54 MiB |
mine lab GPX 5000 finding small nugets.mp4 | 48.57 MiB |
Mr.Teslonian.mp4 | 23.75 MiB |
MrTeslonian's Off-Grid Sustainable Farm, Project Goals With Farm Bot's.mp4 | 30.58 MiB |
MrTeslonian.mp4 | 13.94 MiB |
My lower two ponds in Arizona.mp4 | 18.13 MiB |
My solar power system.mp4 | 17.95 MiB |
My Wood Stove runs a generator.mp4 | 24.64 MiB |
neodymium magnet motor generator.mp4 | 21.2 MiB |
neodymium magnet motor new concept.mp4 | 13.05 MiB |
neodymium magnet strange effect.mp4 | 9.28 MiB |
neodymium magnet super motor generator.mp4 | 12.38 MiB |
New Cone design for Blowguns, turns into arrow vane's.mp4 | 13.72 MiB |
New discovery, Ion Gamma Reactor.mp4 | 56.96 MiB |
New Gasifier cook stove with improvments.mp4 | 25.26 MiB |
New Tesla Turbine Design, Full Test And Build NEW Design Starts Under Load.mp4 | 153.01 MiB |
Off-Grid 8,000 gallon Aquaculture system and Green House half way through the season.mp4 | 32.23 MiB |
Pellet holder for Air Gun Hunting.mp4 | 22.48 MiB |
plasma ion propulsion and electrostatic motor's.mp4 | 9.91 MiB |
Powered Exoskeleton Suit, First Prototype full show.mp4 | 156.64 MiB |
Powered Exoskeleton Suit, Model-2 First Test.mp4 | 20.3 MiB |
Powered Exoskeleton Suit Full Build And Test.mp4 | 210.44 MiB |
prototype new shovel theShwovell, digging seystem.mp4 | 3.65 MiB |
Prototype Shovel, new design makes digging easy The Shwovell Shovel.mp4 | 3.98 MiB |
Radiation shield generator, powers the space station and protects astronauts.mp4 | 9.02 MiB |
RC Pulse Jet engine failure HOBBYking IS JUNK.mp4 | 15.36 MiB |
Rechargable BATTERY from DIRT and WATER.mp4 | 21.97 MiB |
riffleless sluice box The GolDymium Sluice Box in action .mp4 | 24.69 MiB |
rocket stove water heater.mp4 | 12.63 MiB |
RV refrigerator, freezer Powered on fire wood PT#2 second fire box.mp4 | 12.07 MiB |
Smokeless small camp stove home made pt#1.mp4 | 21.88 MiB |
Solar Powered Prototype Farm Bot.mp4 | 22.59 MiB |
Spring powered Crossbow Rifle.mp4 | 84.96 MiB |
squirrel vs rattle snake.mp4 | 23.9 MiB |
Squirrel Vs Snake, the Rematch and the loser get's EATEN.mp4 | 12.53 MiB |
Steam Engine Build, small scale prototype.mp4 | 43.01 MiB |
Steam Rocket Designs and Launch's.mp4 | 12.2 MiB |
Steam Rocketry, high speed's and high thrust.mp4 | 31.25 MiB |
Stepper Motors as Generator's, For Wind, Steam and Hydroelectric.mp4 | 16.75 MiB |
Super Human Suit, Enhanced human function by electric stimulus Dodge Bullet's.mp4 | 12.59 MiB |
Tesla coil the true secret how it was really used.mp4 | 33.35 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, Aircraft Engine 0 to 3600 rpm's in 2 seconds.mp4 | 15.63 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, Full Build And Test More Like Tesla's Original Design.mp4 | 46.03 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, How To Make Your Own Tesla Turbine for Hydroelectric, Steam, or Wind.mp4 | 82.62 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, New Bladeless Model.mp4 | 33.18 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, Powered Drone Helicopter no prop load rpm Test.mp4 | 25.39 MiB |
Tesla Turbine, Powers Small Vehicle Prototype.mp4 | 31.1 MiB |
Tesla Turbine powered Drone Air Craft Prototype testing part 1.mp4 | 9.69 MiB |
Tesla valve Pulse Jet engine flow discussion and diagram.mp4 | 10.78 MiB |
Teslonian Man Show Make GAS from Wood Part 1.mp4 | 141.13 MiB |
Teslonian Man Show Make GAS from Wood Part 2.mp4 | 60.88 MiB |
Teslonian Turbine new design, How it Works.mp4 | 26.42 MiB |
Testing a valveless Pulse Jet engine design as a Ram Jet engine.mp4 | 17.31 MiB |
The better mouse trap.mp4 | 9.3 MiB |
The Earth Cell dirt powered generator.mp4 | 16.12 MiB |
The fastest Gold Pan on earth -- The Focus Pan in action.mp4 | 51.64 MiB |
The Future of HYDROELECTRIC, 60 psi from 8 foot of head.mp4 | 26.09 MiB |
Thermal cracking biocrude oil.mp4 | 155.78 MiB |
thermal electric generator and fresnel lense make electricity.mp4 | 6.15 MiB |
thermal electric generator home made.mp4 | 10.71 MiB |
transferable mass generator gravity powered generatorpart 1.mp4 | 25.24 MiB |
Treadle powered table saw.mp4 | 36.66 MiB |
trommel how to make peddel powered full video.mp4 | 43.73 MiB |
Trompe Hammer Part 2, Testing Water powered air compressor and water pump.mp4 | 57.1 MiB |
turn lightning into electricity Wimshurst generator and a Tesla coil.mp4 | 21.13 MiB |
Twin Ion pulse motor's powered by a massive Wimshurst Machine.mp4 | 4.62 MiB |
Vacuum Muzzle Brake, Add More Velocity To Your Rifle.mp4 | 31.19 MiB |
Vacuum pressure Bazooka.mp4 | 50.26 MiB |
Valveless Pulse Jet Engine, Straight Tube VS U-Shaped engine design's.mp4 | 37.34 MiB |
Valveless Pulse Jet Engine Building and tuning a linear tube engine P#2.mp4 | 22.6 MiB |
Valveless Pulse Jet Engine Building and tuning a straight tube engine P#1.mp4 | 36.7 MiB |
Valveless PULSE to RAM Jet Engine With a Concept Tesla Inspired Pneumatic Valve System Diagram.mp4 | 28.7 MiB |
WARNING DON'T BUY a Hobbyking Pulse Jet, Look's good but it's Absolute Junk.mp4 | 27.64 MiB |
Water-less Gold Dredge Dry land dredge.mp4 | 32.07 MiB |
Water Powered Air Compressor and Water Pump The Trompe Hammer, Trompe and Water Ram.mp4 | 53.58 MiB |
Wimshurst 3 inch sparks and still frames of the discharges.mp4 | 20.53 MiB |
Wimshurst Generator, Building one of the Worlds largest.mp4 | 249.86 MiB |
Wimshurst generator how to, a Goliath with 4 foot spinning induction disc's part 1.mp4 | 13.81 MiB |
Wimshurst generator how to part 2.mp4 | 36.68 MiB |
Wimshurst generator how to part 3.mp4 | 36.64 MiB |
Wimshurst generator how to part 4.mp4 | 30.15 MiB |
Wimshurst generator in action Monster of a Wimshurst.mp4 | 14.09 MiB |
Wimshurst machine, One of the World's largest, first test run.mp4 | 60.45 MiB |
Wimshurst machine how to part 1.mp4 | 28.5 MiB |
Wimshurst machine one of the world's largest how to part 4, The 4 foot disc construction.mp4 | 43.03 MiB |
Wind and Solar Powered ROBOT building the analog navigation system and climbing over logs.mp4 | 52.56 MiB |
Wind mill water pump home made P#1.mp4 | 31.72 MiB |
Wind Powered, ROBOT.mp4 | 43.58 MiB |
WOOD GAS.mp4 | 730.13 MiB |
Wood gas camp stove how to.mp4 | 23.03 MiB |
Wood Gas Powered Chainsaw, Part 2.mp4 | 28.1 MiB |
Wood Gas Truck, Part 2.mp4 | 148.67 MiB |
Wood Gas Truck how to full show.mp4 | 436.28 MiB |
Wood Gas Truck part 1.mp4 | 149.52 MiB |
Wood Gas Truck part 3.mp4 | 170.42 MiB |
Wood Stove of Tomorrow, makes fuel and runs a generator from smoke.mp4 | 73.54 MiB |
wood stove powered Refrigerator freezer pt1.mp4 | 6 MiB |
Wood Stove runs a Generator #2 load test.mp4 | 24.54 MiB |
wood stove runs a generator, produces gasoline, runs a fridge and heats hot water at the same time.mp4 | 256.35 MiB |
World's First TESLA TURBINE powered RC Car, run's on compressed air.mp4 | 24.25 MiB |
World's oldest Electric Generator design.mp4 | 26.93 MiB |
Worlds first, wood powered gun full show.mp4 | 64.31 MiB |